Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST)
International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST)
Adopted at the XXI Congress of History of Science, Mexico City, 11 July 2001
Amended after consultation with the membership and Officers, 27 July 2004
Amended by vote of the Officers, 27 May 2009.
Article 1. The aims of the International Commission on History of Meteorology shall be:
a) to promote the scholarly study of the history of meteorology, climatology, and related sciences including their social and cultural aspects.
b) to facilitate international cooperation, communication, and friendship between historians and scientists;
c) to organize symposia at the International Congresses of History of Science, to sponsor or co-sponsor other meetings of similar character, and to disseminate the proceedings of these meetings;
d) to promote identification, collection, preservation, and access to historical materials;
e) to encourage the compilation of international historical bibliography;
f) to support the broader goals of the DHST, IUHPST, and ISC (International Scientific Council).
Statutes and Rules
Article 2. The International Commission on History of Meteorology shall be governed by the Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science, Division of History of Science and Technology, as approved by the 18th General Assembly in 1989. (ref. DHST Statutes and Rules, Art. 12). These statutes and rules are published in English and in French by the IUHPST in The Members’ Vade Mecum, edited by Benoît Severyns (June 2001).
Article 3. The International Commission on History of Meteorology is an international scholarly association financially dependent upon the DHST. The Commission reports annually to the Secretary General and submits reports on their activities to each General Assembly, when the question of their continuation shall be individually put to the vote. For the creation or continuation of an Historical Commission, a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly is required. (ref. DHST Statutes and Rules, Art. 8).
Article 4. Ordinary membership in the International Commission on History of Meteorology is open to recognized scholars of all nations who subscribe to Article 1 of these Bylaws and who make themselves known to the Secretary-Treasurer by completing a membership form. Associate membership is open to students, friends, supporters and patrons of the Commission. Institutional membership is reserved for organizations that wish to support the work of the Commission.
Officers and Elections
Article 5. Serving as an officer of the International Commission on History of Meteorology carries with it important duties, and only those individuals sincerely committed to the welfare of the Commission should consider running for office. Subject to the final approval of the DHST General Assembly and/or DHST Council, the Commission shall elect a President, Vice-president, Treasurer, and Secretary/Webmaster. These officers, together with the Past-President, shall constitute the Commission Council which shall decide issues of policy between quadrennial meetings and shall designate area representatives of the Commission. Officers shall serve single four year terms, commencing on January 1 of the year following election, with the exception of the Treasurer and Secretary/Webmaster who may be elected to subsequent terms in office. Area representatives serve terms concurrent with the elected President. The Past-President automatically serves an additional four year term as an advisor ex-officio and chair of the Nominating Committee. The duties of the Officers are as follows:
- Conducts the business of the Commission as its primary officer in accordance with the aims of Article 1 above;
- Coordinates the work of the other officers and volunteers;
- Represents the interests of the Commission to the DHST;
- Files an annual report and request for financial assistance to the Secretary General of the DHST by November 15 of each year.
- Serves on the General Assembly of the DHST;
- May not be re-elected for a second consecutive term as President.
- Serves as Past-President for four years after leaving office.
- This role may be filled by two people under a Co-President approach.
- Where such an approach is taken, there must be clear and distinctive terms of reference for each of the role holders.
- In the case of a disagreement or conflict between Co-Presidents, the Past-President is to be consulted and will cast the deciding vote to resolve any issues.
- Advises the President on matters of policy;
- Becomes President if the elected President is incapacitated;
- Serves on the General Assembly of the DHST;
- May not be re-elected for a second consecutive term as Vice-president.
- Collects and disburses Commission funds;
- Prepares tax and other financial reports to relevant governmental agencies;
- Advises the President and Vice-president on matters of policy;
- Serves on the General Assembly of the DHST;
- May be elected to subsequent four-year terms.
- Keeps a permanent record of membership, attendance and proceedings of the
- Commission and serves as its historian and archivist;
- Maintains and updates the website of the ICHM;
- Issues announcements of Commission business;
- Advises the President and Vice-president on matters of policy;
- Serves on the General Assembly of the DHST;
- May be elected to subsequent four-year terms
Past President
- Advises the ICHM officers on matters of policy for four years;
- Serves as the chair of the Nominating Committee
Area Representatives
- Represent the interests of the Commission in their nation, region, or subject area;
- File reports to the ICHM Council by September 1 of each year;
- May be elected to subsequent four-year terms
Article 6. Candidates for office will be selected by a Nominating Committee and also by an open call for nominations in advance of the quadriennial International Congress of History of Science. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be the past president, or in the first instance, since there is no past president, the Commission Council Member. Elections shall be held by confidential e-mail ballot in advance of the quadriennial International Congress of History of Science, so the newly elected officers can begin to play a prominent role in Commission affairs. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall receive and count the ballots and shall consult with members of the Nominating Committee to resolve any irregularities. Ordinary members may cast one and only one vote by e-mail in Commission elections; this e-mail to be sent to the Chair of the Nominating Committee within established temporal guidelines. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall inform the President and other officers of the result of the election, which shall then be communicated to the membership. Newly-elected officers begin their terms on January 1 of the year following the election.
Article 7. These bylaws may be amended when necessary by agreement of a two-thirds majority of the Officers. The amended bylaws will be communicated to the entire membership.
Signatories. The individuals who signed these Bylaws in Mexico City have been designated Charter Members of the International Commission on History of Meteorology. The signature sheet appears below. Members’ Signatures