Conference General Resources

ICHM turns 20!

The International Commission for the History of Meteorology was founded in 2001 at the 21st International Congress of History of Science in Mexico City. Since then, we have supported numerous workshops and events, and sponsored major meetings in Polling, Germany in 2004; Beijing, China in 2005; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2008 and 2017; Waterville, Maine, USA and Budapest, Hungary in 2009; Manchester, England in 2013; and Prague, Czech Republic (Online) in July 2021.

To commemorate our 20th anniversary, member Robert Naylor has been recording interviews with those involved in various roles with ICHM over the last two decades. Please click below to watch the wonderful video he has created to commemorate our anniversary!

Please do share the video with any friends, colleagues or other networks who may be interested in learning more about the work of ICHM. If you’re sharing on social media, you may prefer to use this shorter version.

You can find out more information about the commemorative online conference on the “Past, Present, and Future of the History of Meteorology” that we’re hosting on 15 Sept 2021, here. The call for papers closes on July 15, 2021.

As this is my final year as President of ICHM, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support over the last 4 years. We’ll be announcing all of the new Officers soon, so keep any eye on your inboxes.

Here’s to another 20 years of ICHM!

Alexander Hall, June 2021


Eduard Brückner Prize 2015

Professor Jim Fleming (Colby, STS) has been awarded the Eduard Brückner Prize 2015 for outstanding achievement in interdisciplinary climate research.


The award, administered by the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht für Material- und Küstenforschung, will be presented on September 21 at the German Climate Conference in Hamburg organized by the Deutsche Meteorologishe Gesellschaft,


Geographer, meteorologist, glaciologist and climate scientist Eduard Brückner (1862-1927) was an early advocate for the importance of climate change and its effects on the economy and social structure of society.


Climate research has evolved into an independent field of knowledge that is directly relevant to the social environment of discourse, for the life of individuals and global policy advice. In addition to traditional scientific disciplines such as meteorology, oceanography, earth science, geography, botany, geophysics, and glaciology, the domain of climate research has expanded to include the social and cultural sciences seeking to implement scientific findings in the public realm and articulate the cultural foundations of natural scientific research. Scientific climate research can only be public really significant if it enters into a dialogue with the social and cultural sciences. In order to promote this development, the Eduard Brückner Prize has been established for outstanding interdisciplinary achievements in climate research.


News: Fleming in the Toronto Star

ICHM’s Professor Jim Fleming featured in this article about geoengineering in the Toronto Star.



Election results

The election results for the officers of the International Commission on the History of Meteorology:

  • The new President of the Commission is Professor Georgina Endfield from the University of Nottingham, UK.
  • The new Vice-President of the Commission is Dr Christina Helena da Motta Barboza, Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • The Treasurer of the Commission is Anna Carlsson-Hyslop, The University of Manchester, UK.
  • The Secretary/Webmaster of the Commission is Giny Cheong, George Mason University, US.

Their four-year term starts on 1 January 2014. We will introduce the new officers during ICHM business meeting on July 26 at Manchester, during the iCHSTM Congress.


Elections extended

If you have not voted yet, the elections have been extended to this Friday, June 7. Please view your email for instructions on how to vote.


Elections for officers

We invite members to check their emails for a recent message about voting for new officers. Please contact the current officers if you need the info resent or have questions about the process.

General Opportunities

Call for Nominations and Self-nominations – ICHM

An election of officers for the International Commission on History of Meteorology (ICHM) will be held this summer with the results to be announced before the international congress in Manchseter 2013. Terms of office will be January 1, 2014 through Dec. 31, 2017.

Please send nominations and self-nominations for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary/Webmaster to the chair of the nominating committee, Cornelia Lüdecke, with a deadline of November 30, 2012.

The current bylaws are posted at

With best wishes
Cornelia Lüdecke
ICHM Past President



ICHM depends on its members to share interesting information to make our website an valuable community resource. Please email items to the webmaster at meteohistory [at] Items of particular interest include:

  • Publications
  • Conferences and calls for papers
  • Interviews, discussions, and reviews
  • Announcements of grants, prizes and fellowships