
Aims of the ICHM

Founded in 2001 in Mexico City, the International Commission for the History of Meteorology (ICHM) has over 300 members from 49 countries. The ICHM is an official commission of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. The Commission publishes a peer-reviewed journal, History of Meteorology, and regularly organizes and sponsors conferences and workshops. We have met in Washington D.C., the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, in Rio de Janeiro (2008 & 2017), and in a surprisingly sunny Manchester (2013)! Membership is free, and open to anyone with an interest in the history of meteorology and weather.

The ICHM is primarily a web-based organization, communicating by email and publishing electronically. We aim to:

  1. Promote the scholarly study of the history of meteorology, climatology, and related sciences including their social and cultural aspects;
  2. Facilitate international cooperation, communication, and friendship between historians and scientists;
  3. Organize symposia at the International Congresses of History of Science, to sponsor or co-sponsor other meetings of similar character, and to disseminate the proceedings of these meetings;
  4. Promote identification, collection, preservation, and access to historical materials;
  5. Encourage the compilation of international historical bibliography;
  6. Support the broader goals of the DHST/IUHPST and the International Science Council.

